AI News – Aug 7, 2023

AI News – Aug 7, 2023

Summary of Recent News

August 1, 2023

  1. Google has announced RT-2, an AI model that translates both vision and language in robot motion. The model, based on transformers and web data knowledge, improves the robot’s reasoning and adaptability to novel scenarios.
    Source: New York Times
  2. TechCrunch has released the agenda for their AI stage at the 2023 Disrupt conference. Key speakers include representatives from DeepMind, Anthropic, and AI pioneer Gary Marcus.
    Source: TechCrunch
  3. The team at has expanded the context window of LLaMA-2-7B to 32k tokens. They have also improved the technology for inference and fine-tuning within the new context framework.
    Source: Twitter

August 2, 2023

  1. Apple is removing apps utilizing generative AI from its China App Store ahead of new AI regulations taking effect on August 15th. Companies will be required to obtain a government-approved administrative license.
    Source: BBC News
  2. YouTube is testing AI-generated video summaries for some English users. This feature aims to provide concise summaries for longer videos.
    Source: YouTube Blog
  3. Meta (formerly Facebook) is reportedly planning to release AI chatbots with different personalities on its app. These AI personas, including Abraham Lincoln and a surfer dude, are expected to be available as early as next month.
    Source: CNET

August 4, 2023

  1. The annual SIGGRAPH event in Los Angeles next week is anticipated to bring new announcements and research breakthroughs in the field of AI. Exciting developments are expected to be showcased during the event, impacting technology and AI advancements.
    Source: Event Announcement
  2. Scientists are researching room temperature superconductors, such as LK-99, that have the potential to revolutionize technology. The development of such superconductors, combined with the current pace of AI advancements, could lead to groundbreaking technological advancements.
    Source: Technical Research Paper
  3. Future Tools, a newsletter focused on AI and technology, showcases various AI tools, research breakthroughs, and income ideas related to AI. The newsletter aims to keep readers updated with the latest developments in the field.
    Source: Newsletter Announcement

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